Thursday, March 8, 2012

WIYBCTR DAY 8 - When We Lose The Sense of His Nearness

When We Lose The Sense of His Nearness

Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. - James 4:8 HCSB

Sometimes life can be so full of craziness and stress that we lose the sense of God's nearness. But even when we feel alienated from the Father, He is never alienated from us. Whenever we think God has moved away from us, we are mistaken; He hasn't moved at all.

God is constantly making Himself available to us, but when we become overwhelmed by the occasional distractions or inevitable disappointments of every day life, we may be unwilling - or unable - to feel His presence or His love.

The next time you feel overwhelmed by the demands of life, remember that our God isn't a distant God. He is always present; His love for you is personal, intimate and eternal. If you genuinely desire to open your heart to the Creator, you can do so because He is not just near; He is here.

Even when we feel alienated from God, He is never alienated from us. God walks with us through every phase of life, through every trial and hardships. Despite our doubts and fears, He is always with us.

(Disclaimer: I took this from the book "What If Your Blessings Come Through Raindrops" by Laura Story. I make no claim to the above as my own work.)

It is such a comfort to know that even when i feel so unloveable and so unworthy to come into God's presence, He is still near to me. I know I talk a lot about being in awe of God's love for me. Unconditional love is something most humans are incapable of. There are limits to what we are willing to accept. When that is the only "visable" measuring stick we have for love, it leaves us breathless when we realize exactly how much Abba loves us. There is nothing I can do that will make Him stop loving me or stop pursuing my heart. I stand amazed.

This is the day which the LORD hath made ; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Be Blessed,

Weight Loss Mama

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