Monday, March 5, 2012

Hurt So Good

Treadmill, my evil little friend, we meet once again. Just so there is no misunderstanding, I hate you! I tried to be friends, but every time we meet, I leave you with every inch of my body crying out from pain! One day, I will conquer your sorry behind and I will be the one who wins. I will have the last laugh...eventually!!

Yesterday, I made it back to the gym. I walked two miles in under 44 minutes and had an asthma attack. It was such a good experience! Yes that was said with sarcasm.

Fifteen minutes into my walk I was so bored. I didn't want to stay any longer. I had Becky Fender blasting in my ears and I continued to walk. I decided that I wanted to pick up speed. I managed to get up to 3.2 mph until I felt like my legs were going to run away from me. I slowed down to 2.7 for a bit then decided to speed up again. I managed to walk about 5 minutes at 3.0 mph when my chest started feeling really tight and I realized how heavy I was breathing. This was a very fimilar feeling that had forsaken me years ago. I was in the beginning stages of an asthma attack. Years ago I was diagnosed with stress induced asthma, but up until now I hadn't had a problem when I worked out. Anyway, I slowed WAY down and was able to calm down. Once the attack had passed I sped up a little, but not as fast as I was going. I made a post to FB while I was walking. Before I knew it I was at 2 miles.

My shower was so amazing. There is nothing like super hot water flowing over your sweaty body to make you feel better. This has ALWAYS been my reward for the blood, sweat and tears of my work out. Ok, ok it's not THAT bad, but there are times that it feels like it. ;-) I stood in there for almost 20 minutes before I decided to grace the world with my presence again. I got dressed, fixed my hair and put on some make up then I left.

Dinner was wonderful. On the way home I stopped at Subway for a salad and came home to BBQ Chicken Sunday. I had 6 oz of skinless, boneless, baked BBQ chicken, a serving of mashed potatoes and my salad. I was very full and didn't even finish my plate.

I have been trying to work out on WiiFit. A month ago I had decided I could save time and money on gas by working out at home. I did really well at first, but then it started to get very old and I got very bored. Slowly, I stopped working out at all. I have decided that it's not worth it to sacrafice the exercise "high" that I feel when I go to the gym just to save a few bucks. I am going to make this a priority from now on.

This is the day which the LORD hath made ; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Be Blessed,

Weight Loss Mama

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