Sunday, March 11, 2012

WIYBCTR DAY 11 - The Blessings That The World Has To Offer

The Blessings That the World Has to Offer

The Lord was very angry with Solomon, for his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice. He had warned Solomon specifically about worshipping other gods, but Solomon did not listen to the lord's command. 1 Kings 11:9-10 NLT

If you're like me, you've heard a lot about the "American Dream." You know the dream I'm talking about; it's the one that says if you work hard enough, know the right people, and say the right things, you can some how obtain the nice house, the right car, the white pickett fence, and the 2.5 kids. But, is this really the dream God has for us? And, if it's not part of God's plan for us, are we selling ourselves short by sacrificing so much for a "dream" that offers us little or nothing in return?

King Solomon also started with a dream. As part of his dream, Solomon was able to ask God for anything - and what he asked for was wisdom. "Give your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people to discern between good and evil."

Like Abraham, Solomon asked God to bless him with wisdom so that he might, in turn, bless the nation of Israel. God granted Solomon's request, and peace and prosperity was enjoyed throughout Israel.

Eventually, Solomon's desire for the blessing of wisdom changed. What happened? King Solomon became trapped by a powerful temptation: the temptation to accumulate things. It began when Solomon acquired alliances with other nations; then, he acquired enormous wealth and many many women (around a thousand to be exact). To make matters worse, Solomon built a large palace for himself (that palace, by the way, just happened to be twice as large as the one he had constructed for the Lord to dwell in). Amazed at how "blessed" Solomon was, the queen of Sheba even traveled to visit him.

But what did these earthly treasures bring Solomon? The answer, not surprisingly, is trouble. We are told that Solomon's "wives turned his heart away to other gods." (1 Kings 11:4) Could it be that Solomon had elevated those beautiful creations above their Creator? Is it possible that Solomon began to wrship the blesssings, rather than the Giver of those blessings? Solomon had the resources to rocure every possession his heart desired, and yet those very possessions were his downfall.

And what about the rest of us? Have we bought into the lie that if we just had a little more money, we'd be satisfied? Or do we believe that if we had different spouses, or that if we were from different families, or that if we had different jobs, then we would be blessed?

When I see how greedy my own heart is, I am reminded that the worst thing God could do to me is give me the treasures I have elevated above Him. The blessings of this world will never satisfy. Though scripture tells us that every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord, unless they stay surrendered to the Giver, those blessings have a potential to become little idols, stealing away the attention and affection we should give to God alone.

Material possessions may seem appealing at first, but they pale in comparison to the spiritual gifts that God gives to those who put Him first. Count yourself among that number.

(Disclaimer: I took this from the book "What If Your Blessings Come Through Raindrops" by Laura Story. I make no claim to the above as my own work.)

Wow that makes sense and hurts all at the same time! To know that I keep myself from the blessings I would like to have really hurts. At the same time I am thankful that God loves me enough to give me the things I need instead of spoiling me with the things that will distract me.

This is the day which the LORD hath made ; we will rejoice and be glad in it. - Psalm 118:24

Be Blessed,

Weight Loss Mama

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