Thursday, March 8, 2012

Crunch Time

We are down to crunch time now. I have less than 2 weeks before I weigh in. I haven't been as strict about my diet, but I am proud to say that I have made it to the gym every day this week. Now it's time to go back to eatting like a rabbit. Soup and salads for me for the next two weeks.

I would really like to see a 9 lb loss this month. that would officially bring me into the 200s. I haven't seen those numbers on a scale since the year we got the boys. I was 299 in January 08. Our fertilty specialist finally told me to lose weight then we'd try again. I know they are just numbers. I can see my clothes are starting to fit differently, my rings are gone, I am feeling better. I know changes are happening, but I would like the scale to show that as well. So it's back to the gym I go.

It is hard to believe that as I write this it isn't even 9AM yet. I feel like I have been awake forever. John has let me rest this morning while he took care of the kids. I was able to spend a few moments alone with him also. That is a rare blessing with 3 under 3 (I won't be able to make that statement much longer.) It has been a great morning.

For those of you who are joining me on this journey, how is your own journey coming? What goals have you met? What are you working on now? What are you struggling with? How can I pray for you? There is strength in numbers so we must stick together!

Lord, I thank You for the strength and encouragement you provide me each day. Thank you for my friends, family, and those who just found my blog. Please strengthen them, encourage them to make lifetime changes. Help us all to see that our hope is found only in You. We can have all the things this world has to offer, but if we don't have You we have nothing! Help us to stay focused on Your ways, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen!

This is the day which the LORD hath made ; we will rejoice and be glad in it. - Psalm 118:24

Be Blessed,

Weight Loss Mama

Fitness Minutes - 292/2520
Calories Burned - 1772/14,000

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