Thursday, March 29, 2012

April Fitness Challenges

Each month I dread this post.  I always struggle between setting goals that are truly obtainable and  "lazy goals." These goals are usually set when I am coming off of a majorly disappointing month. This month is no different. I worked really hard to succeed and I did accomplish a lot of what I set out to do. However, the human in me does NOT want to work any harder than I did last month. Where lies the balance of pushing myself to succeed without pushing myself into failure? I am hoping to accomplish much this month. Alright, enough procrastinating. Let's just do this.



1. I will eat more fruit.
2. I will start food journaling (again).
3. I will drink more water.
4. I will try at least one new diet friendly recipe this month.
5. I will work on decreasing my sodium intake.


1. I will work out 2520 minutes this month.
2. I will burn 25,000 calories this month.
3. I will go to the gym at least 21 days this month.
4. I will do weekly body tests on Wii Fit.
5. I will try out the sauna at the gym.


1. I will finish Genesis and Exodus. I will also read through Leviticus and Numbers.
2. I will finish "What If Your Blessings Come Through Raindrops" Devotional by Laura Story.
3. I will pray more.
4. I will take one day/night each week for me to regroup and relax.
5. I will blog daily.

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