Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goals List

This is a copy of my original goals list.  I am reposting them with where I am now.

This is a list of my misc. goals divided into categories. I completed my first update to my goals list. I added more entries to my fitness goals list because I had completed ALL of them. What an accomplishment!! Here's to marking off more goals next time.

(Current weight: 302 lbs, Total Loss: 58 lbs - March 2012)

Weight Goals

1. MET - Lose 5 lbs (5/2011)
2. MET - Lose 10% of my original weight - 36 lbs (1/2012)
3. MET - Lose 50 lbs (2/2012)

4. Lose 20% of my original weight - 72 lbs
5. Lose 75 lbs
6. Lose 100 lbs
7. Lose 30% of my original weight - 108 lbs
8. Lose 125 lbs. - That will be a whole person!
9. Lose 40% of my original weight - 144 lbs
10. Lose 150 lbs
11. Lose 175 lbs
12. Lose 50% of my original weight - 180 lbs
13. Lose 200 lbs
14. Lose 60% of my original weight - 216 lbs
15. Lose 225 lbs
16. Lose 250 lbs (That's two whole people!)
17. Lose 70% of my original weight - 252 lbs
18. Lose 260 lbs.

Clothing Size Goals


1. MET: 3XL shirts (2/2012) 

2. 2XL shirts
3. 1XL shirts
4. Large shirts
5. Medium shirts


22/24 pants/skirts
20 pants/skirts
18 pants/skirts
16 pants/skirts
14 pants/skirts

(We will see where this gets me and modify this list from there.)

Health Goals

1. Normal BP
2. Consistent Normal Blood Sugar 
3. Normal Periods
4. Pregnancy

Fitness goals

1. Be able to walk without getting blisters on my feet (1/2012)
2. Be able to walk 2 miles without feeling like I'm dying. (2/2012)
3. Be able to walk 2.5 MPH - 2.4 most of my walk now (1/2012)
4. Be able to walk 2.5 miles (3/2012)
5. Be able to walk 3 miles in an hour or less (3/2012

6. Be able to walk 4 miles.
7. Be able to complete my workout at no less than 3 MPH except for cool down.
8. Be able to complete my workout at no less than 3.5 MPH except for cool down.
9. Be able to complete my workout at no less than 4 MPH except for cool down.
10. Be able to RUN a half mile.
11. Be able to RUN a mile.
12. Be able to RUN 2 miles.
13. Be able to RUN 3 miles.
14. Be able to RUN 4 miles.
15. Be able to RUN 5 miles.
16. Complete a Diabetes support race.

Misc. Goals

1. MET - Be able to wear seatbelt in vehicle. (3/2012) 

2. Sit in vehicle without my stomach touching the steering wheel
3. Be able to ride bumper boats again
4. Be able to hug my husband without leaning forward. ;-)

(Created: 1/5/12)
(Last Update: 3/23/12)

Food Journaling

Food journaling is the bane of my existence.  Once I got started, I really enjoyed going to the gym.  I  enjoyed the benefits of eating healthier.  I enjoyed almost all aspects of the journey at first.  When life got tough and I wasn't so great about eating right, going to the gym, etc. it started showing up on the scales.  It started showing up in my food journaling.  I can lie to myself in many places, but my food journal is the one place I can't lie.  I can avoid journaling, but my food journal never lies to me.  It reveals the whole, cold, hard truth of my success and failures.  It requires great discipline and I don't have that right now.  I will get it right, though. 

Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction is stupid. - Proverbs 12:1  Ouch!  



Starting Over

Today is January 1st, 2014.  The last year I have written many blogs about picking up again. The year had more failures than successes for me.  I lost myself in the mess of life and couldn't get back up.  I always tried, but perhaps it wasn't good enough, or hard enough.  I stopped looking at the whole picture and only focused on the dieting and I failed. This journey is about lifestyle changes that last.  I am forgiving myself of the past and starting over.  Today is a new day, a new year, a new chance.  The Bible says that God's mercies are new every morning so I am trusting in that and praying that He will guide me as I make the choices to get healthier.  Now, more than ever, my children depend on me and I won't fail them.