Monday, January 30, 2012

I Seen Jesus This Weekend

And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ - Matthew 25:40 NKJV

Good Monday morning to you. I hope that you are starting the week of understanding how blessed you are. No matter how bad things get, remember that God loves you! He won't allow you to go through one trial that He hasn't already walked through Himself. Take heart that the One who created you will go before you to secure your steps.

I spent yesterday thinking about this blog post. I wanted to write it, but I just didn't take the time to stop so I could put it into words. I will do that now. This weekend I saw Jesus. I saw Him with my own eyes. I saw Him in human form, not once but twice!

Last week my husband learned about a family who'd been staying at the hotel he worked at. The family consists of Dad, Mom and a little boy. This family has faced a lot of hardships. They are homeless, right now. All of their worldly possessions fill 2 Wal-mart bags. The more I learned about this family the more I realized I had to do something to help. Dad is currently looking for a job, but most people won't hire you if you don't have a permanent address. They had very little food. Each had only 2 outfits. The little boy only had 2 toys. Last week was the little boy's birthday. He turned 5.

We are in between paydays right now so I was trying to figure out what WE could do for this family. Not very much at the moment, but when we got paid I could. I put a plea for help on both of our facebook accounts then I called my sister, Cindy, to see if she knew of anyone who had toys for the little boy. She said she'd see what she could do.

In the meantime my sons heard me talking about what was going on. Sam is so kind hearted that he would give the shirt off his back to help another person. You could see tears forming in his little eyes as we talked about their situation. Landon waited until Daddy got home because he didn't believe that something like this could really be happening. After Daddy confirmed it, I could see the wheels turning in Landon's head. Both Sam and Landon said "We'll help them!!" The next morning before John left for work all of my children had donated at least one of their toys to this little boy. We also sent our extra copy of Cars 2, some coloring sheets, crayons and a workbook I had so he would have some activities to do to get ready for Kindergarten. John said the little boy was very excited for his gifts.

Saturday, Cindy called me back and told me she was going to be bringing some stuff out on Sunday. So yesterday we met them at the hotel and John took them up to the family's room. Cindy and Cyndee took in food, a backpack filled with stuff for the little boy. John said he opened the backpack and seen the clothing that was in there and was so full of joy. They had toys and other things in the backpack for him, but he wouldn't even look past the clothes. You truly gain perspective there. All of my earth babies were in foster care before we adopted them, but they would NEVER get that excited about clothes. They would also be going through the rest of the bag to see what else was in it. It breaks my heart when I think of children who are in need.

I was changed by this experience. These women didn't know this family, but they were willing to help. They didn't just give toys. They didn't just give them food. They invested in this family's lives. As my sisters left, they stopped to ask me to get the family's sizes. Cyndee also said that she was going to try to help them get some furniture for their new place. That is right, they have found a house that they will get to move into this weekend. In a day when a lot of people are such scammers, a lot of people have shut themselves off and refuse to help anyone because they could get burnt. I will never be able to express to you how much my heart was blessed by watching someone so willing to help another.

God, thank you for the chance I had to see You in action this past week. Thank you for giving my children such tender hearts. Help me to help them nurture their spirits that they may never lose the passion to help others. Lord, thank you for giving me the chance to see YOU through the willingness of two ordinary people who were determined to do something extraordinary. I ask that you protect and help this family who is in need. I ask that You will provide them with employment so they can thrive. Give this precious child security, safety and meet all of his needs. God I ask that You would pour an extra blessing out on my sisters who gave so selflessly to help those in need. Please bless everyone who is involved. In Your Precious Name, Amen.

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