Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Two Weeks, Two Miles!!!

Good morning to you. I hope you realize how blessed you are. You are loved by the One who matters most. That is reason to celebrate right there.

Today marks two weeks for me on this journey. So much has happened and changed during this time it is almost unbelievable. Yesterday I crossed the two mile mark on the treadmill. I never thought I would make it that far! I am very impressed with all God is doing in my life.

I'm doing very well with my diet. I have started to incorporate a few more things into my diet. Things that I was holding out on until I had more will power. I had a hot dog this week. ONE hot dog. Usually when I go in I order at least 3 for myself. I have had pasta a couple times also. I also ordered french fries with my dinner one night. I only ate about a third of them and brought the
rest home for John. Even on those days I have managed to stay within my calories.

I am getting excited because next week Stephanie and I are going out to celebrate her birthday and how well we've done so far. At the beginning of this journey, I promised myself one day a month where I wouldn't count calories for the day. This way I can still enjoy some of the food that I love but is oh so bad for me. I know I can do this without ruining a whole month (or three weeks) worth of work because I have started to learn portion control. I look forward to being able to share this time with Stephanie.

I have two more weeks to make a difference in my diet before I weigh in. I am looking to make it count. For my walks I am going to work on increasing my speed during my walk. I am also going to start doing some strength training too. I also have some cleaning projects that I want to complete around the house so I'm going to focus on that. I will also make it to the gym at least 12 times in the next 14 days.

Lastly, I will share a funny story from my middle son yesterday. Monday we had a great day. He wasn't as defiant at all. He did things without being told to do them. We didn't have tantrums or anything. Yesterday, he woke up and we had a completely different story to tell. Everything was cause for a tantrum. He got grounded. He looked at me and said "Mom how long are you going to be gone to the gym today? I really think you should stay longer! I also think you should get a hotel tonight!" He realized that he was about to get himself in trouble and his brother called him out on it. He said "I just meant so she could get some peace and quiet!" Was his concern really for my mental health? No! He wanted me out of the house because he thought he wouldn't be grounded if I wasn't here to enforce it. He is such a hoot!!


Weight Loss Mama

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NKJV)

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