Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 9 - Weird Days Still Make Progress

Good Saturday morning to everyone! I hope today has found you blessed. You are loved by the One who matters most. Don't ever forget that.

The past couple of days have been weird ones. My daily gym schedule was messed up. My eating has been weird. Surprisingly I have still been able to stay where I wanted to though. I am well within my 1800 calories. That is something to be proud of. My kids have been craving pizza so I have been around great temptation. I didn't resist, but gave into my temptation in a healthy way. The first day I had ONE slice of pizza before I had my dinner. (This was the night I skipped the gym.) Yesterday for lunch the kids had pizza again. I joined them and had two slices of pepperoni pizza. I figured this would completely blow my calories for the day, but over all it wasn't bad. I treated myself to dinner at Shoney's after working out. I had a huge salad, a real serving of mashed potatoes and gravy and some green beans. My over all calories for the day was 1065. I was super surprised. I felt full. I do not feel hungry on my diet. I have been eating lots of salad because it has very little calories. I know there will come a time when the meds stop working so well and I will feel hungrier, but for now I'm enjoying the numbers I'm seeing on my spark people page.

Last night I only walked a mile on the treadmill. My husband is working day shift today so I wanted to make sure I could walk. When you have 5 very little kids (7, 5, 2, 2, 1) being able to walk is very important! LOL Last night when I left the gym my feet were hurting pretty bad, but today they don't hurt at all. I did walk at 2.5 MPH for most of my walk. If I'm not going to be able to walk as far I want to focus on walking faster. Tonight I will try to go a little further. I think I pushed myself too hard, too fast. I got so consumed in doing more each time that I lost sight of the fact that my body needs time to adjust.

Today is Day 9. I'm impressed with the progress I have made this far. I am 18-20 days from my first weigh-in. I am curious where I'm at in my weight loss, but I am stinking to my promise that I will only weigh at the clinic. While I want to drop pounds, my goal is to be healthier both mentally and physically. I don't want to become obsessive with a numbers game. The temptation to weigh is great, but I am going to wait.


Weight Loss Mama

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NKJV)

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