Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Prodigal Daughter

Almighty God, The Great I Am
Immovable Rock, Omnipotent
Powerful,Awesome Lord
Victorious Warrior, Commanding King of Kings
Mighty Conqueror and the only time
The only time I ever saw him run

Was when He ran to me
He took me in His arms
Held my head to His chest
Said "My son's come home again!"
Lifted my face wiped the tears from my eyes,
With forgiveness in His voice He said
"Son, do you know I still love You?"
He caught me by surprise when God ran...

The day I left home, I knew I'd broken His heart.
And I wondered then, if things could ever be the same.
Then one night,I remembered His love for me.
And down that dusty road, ahead I could see,
It was the only time,It was the only time I ever saw Him run.
And then...Repeat Chorus He caught me by surprise.
And He brought me to my knees.When God ran...

I saw Him run to me.

I was so ashamed, all alone, and so far away.
But now I know, that He's been waiting for this day...

I saw Him run to me,
He took me in His arms,
Held my head to his chest,
Said "My son's come home again!"
Lifted my face wiped the tears from my eyes,
With forgiveness in His voice
I felt his love for me again.
He ran to me He took me in His arms,
Held my head to his chest,
Said "My son's come home again!"
Lifted my face wiped the tears from my eyes,
With forgiveness in His voice
He said "Son"He called me Son.
He said "Son, do you know I still love You?"
He ran to me (When God Ran)(I saw Him run to me)
And then I ran to Him(When God ran)When God ran

Yesterday was a great day. My work out was TOUGH! It was awesome though. I had a 49:56 minute workout. That's right, I hit 2 miles in less than 50 minues. I usually do this in about 53 minutes, but I started out my walk faster than I normally do. I did get very tired after the first mile and slowed down a bit, but when I got to 49 minutes I only had .05 mile to go. I decided I would do it or else. I sped up to over 3 MPH and I made it with 4 seconds to spare. I am SO proud of myself. None of that is nearly as important as the God experience I had, though.

Yesterday, I had to purchase another MP3 player. The one Kathy bought me decided to stop working after my toddlers decided to play baseball with it. The one perk is this one is louder. I put some new music on it. Yesterday's work out ended with some Phillips, Craig and Dean. I almost broke out into revival on the treadmill.

Lately I have been thinking a lot about the story of The Prodigal Son and God's love for me. Most people can't fathom the sacrafice God made for us. I was talking to my sons about this the other day. The sacrafice Christ made is the most awesome. I tend to think about this situation as a parent though. I can't imagine laying my son's life down, willingly sacraficing one of my children, to save all of humanity. Especially when that Son was perfect and sinless, and those He would die for were not. I couldn't sacrafice one of my own children to save one of their siblings and certainly couldn't do it to save a stranger. Would I risk my life to save another? I believe I would, but my babies? No way! I am so thankful for the gift of salvation, but right now my mind keeps going back to God having to stand there and allow Jesus to leave Heaven knowing that He would return only after going to the cross. It is almost too much to bear when I think of how God had to stand there and watch him be beaten. My heart goes out to Mary also. I am sure she felt much like I feel when I think of it. I am sure she secretly thought of ways to hide him away to save Him.

It's a sobering thought - while I was still a sinner that Christ died for me. And to know that even if I was the only one on earth that needed His love and forgiveness the cross would still be there. I am worth so much to God that if I was the only sinner on earth Christ would've still went to the cross for me. When you have self-esteem issues, the thought of my Father's love is almost overwhelming. Always being the kid who the world wanted nothing to do with, it's hard to accept a love so strong that comes without condition. The song posted above was the one playing as I finished my second mile last night. I am so thankful that even when I decided I could do things on my own that God never gave up on me. And when I returned, scared and afraid that He threw His arms out and ran to me. His only words were "Do you know I still love you?" My human mind questions why? Why does He still love me? After all I've done wrong...why me? How deep the Father's love for us.

Thank you God for loving me when I was unloveable. I am glad that your love doesn't depend on my understanding of it. Thank you for welcoming me home with open arms. I will be forever grateful for Your forgiveness. I stand in awe.


Weight Loss Mama

1 comment:

  1. My kids don't break my mp3 player itself, but they have broken every set of headphones I've ever bought. I feel your pain on that aspect. It's kind of nice to know that someone else's kids participate in similar destructive activities.

    The wonderful thing about grace is that we don't deserve it but He loves us anyway. Keep up the good work Lisa!
