Sunday, January 8, 2012

Better Days

Good Sunday morning to everyone. I am very excited because my family will
be going to church. That always lifts my spirit. There's nothing like being in
the presence of God. I challenge you to find a church this morning (or even next
Sunday) to go to. Start the year out right and on the right foundation.

I am happy to report that things got much better yesterday. Last night
Stephanie surprised me with a phone call saying she would be joining me at the
gym. Even with headphones in our ears throughout our workout, it is so much more
energizing to have someone there to go through this with.

I got on the treadmill determined that I would walk 1.75 miles. This is
what I walked the night my feet got so bad. I can't express to you how hard that
was. I really had to push myself to get there, but I did it. When I got done my
entire outlook changed! I was so proud of myself. Physically, my feet hurt and I
felt like my heart would beat out of my chest at any moment. Emotionally, I
felt like I was on top of the world!!

I love car rides with Stephanie. They are so therapeutic. We talk about our
day, kids, husbands, life, the good, the bad, and the weird. It is just awesome
to have that sounding board. Our lives are so similar in so many ways yet so
different. I think that makes a great combination for a wonderful friendship. We
encourage one another. Even better, she isn't afraid to call me out if she
thinks I'm out of line on something. I LOVE that about her.

Afterwards, I went to Shoney's for dinner. I had a salad. As I went back to
my table with my beautifully, delicious salad I decided I would splurge. I had
french fries! I compromised and traded the extra ranch for my fries and had
ketchup, though. They were still delicious. There was a party going on in my
mouth. It still amazes me how much better things taste when you don't allow
yourself to indulge in garbage every meal?

The morning after report? I feel AWESOME this morning. My feet don't hurt
(I will hold out judgement on that until tonight). I feel emotionally and
physically like I accomplished great things last night. I have my sunny
disposition back this morning! We are going to church this morning. Life doesn't
get much better than this!

Be blessed,

Weight Loss Mama

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is
in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at
a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NKJV)

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