Thursday, January 5, 2012


This is a list of my misc. goals divided into categories. As time goes on
I'm sure I'll add more, but this is my starter list.

Weight Goals

1. Lose 5 lbs (met)
2. Lose 10% of my original weight - 36 lbs
3. Lose 50 lbs
4. Lose 20% of my original weight - 72 lbs
5. Lose 75 lbs
6. Lose 100 lbs
7. Lose 30% of my original weight - 108 lbs
8. Lose 125 lbs. - That will be a whole person!
9. Lose 40% of my original weight - 144 lbs
10. Lose 150 lbs
11. Lose 175 lbs
12. Lose 50% of my original weight - 180 lbs
13. Lose 200 lbs
14. Lose 60% of my original weight - 216 lbs
15. Lose 225 lbs
16. Lose 250 lbs (That's two whole people!)
17. Lose 70% of my original weight - 252 lbs
18. Lose 260 lbs.

Clothing Size Goals


3XL shirts
2XL shirts
1XL shirts
Large shirts
Medium shirts

22/24 pants/skirts
20 pants/skirts
18 pants/skirts
16 pants/skirts
14 pants/skirts

We will see where this gets me and modify this list from there.

Health Goals

1. Normal BP
2. Consistent Normal Blood Sugar
3. Normal Periods
4. Pregnancy

Fitness goals

1. Be able to walk without getting blisters on my feet
2. Be able to walk 2 miles without feeling like I'm dying.
3. Be able to walk 2.5 MPH - 2.4 most of my walk now
4. Be able to walk 2.5 miles
5. Be able to walk 3 miles in an hour or less

Misc. Goals

1. Be able to wear seatbelt in vehicle.
2. Sit in vehicle without my stomach touching the steering wheel
3. Be able to ride bumper boats again
4. Be able to hug my husband without leaning forward. ;-)

(Created: 1/5/12)


Weight Loss Mama

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is
in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at
a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NKJV)

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