Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Plan for the February

For January, I focused on trying to control my calories and get moving in any way possible. I now park in the driveway instead of the yard. I've been to the gym at least 20 times this month. I've went from doing nothing to walking 2 miles at a time. All in all January was a pretty good month. I am 11 lbs closer to my goal. Praise God for that.

Activities for February

Physical Health

1. Start taking my other meds again.
2. Go to the doctor so I can get a refill on my meds for March.


1. Eat more protein
2. Drink more water.
3. Splurge twice - Coldstone is calling my name and then my regular splurge.
4. Learn one new recipe.


1. Spend at least 45 hours on WiiFit.
2. Weight Lifting at the gym at least 12 times.
3. Use the elliptical at least once a week. (Terrified of this machine!)


1. Read 30 chapters in the Bible with my family.
2. Do Family Worship Time at least 5 days a week.
3. Spend more time praying.


1. Blog daily.
2. Spend more time talking to my husband about life and the things going on.
3. Spend more time with my children.


1. "Spring" Clean my house.
2. Get caught up on Laundry.
3. Find all forms needed to file my taxes and file them.

Small baby steps will get me closer to a healthier me. I am excited to see what I can accomplish this month.


Weight Loss Mama

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11

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