Friday, June 8, 2012

Lab Work Update..And Other Random Stuff

So I am driving down the road Wednesday morning on my way to clinic.  I was talking to the lady who did our family pictures to see if they were in yet.  She confirmed they were.  As we were ending our call I had another phone call come through.  It was the doctor's office calling with my lab work.  I rushed off the phone with the photographer and answered the nurse's call. 

I said hello.  She said  "Is this Lisa? This is soandso from dr soandso's office.  I have the results of your lab work. Are you sitting down?"  At this point, I am wondering whether I should pull over for the news she was about to gived me.  They only did two tests - the A1C (to check my diabetes) and a CMP which checks a little bit of everything.  She started out by saying the CMP was great.  Everything looked wonderful.  Metformin can effect your liver so they wanted to make sure my numbers were good before we continued the medication.

As she tells me the results I am now in panic mode thinking that my diabetes is completely out of control.  Why else would I need to sit down? She said "That just leaves the results of your A1C. They were <insert dramatic pause by nurse> PHENOMINAL! Your A1C was 4.9!!! Good work. The doctor said to continue doing what you're doing."  Wait one minute!!! What did she just say?  Can numbers even go that low?  I immediately called my husband...I texted my sister who asked what the number should be. She later texted me the info she found on google that said the number should be between 4.0 and 6.0.  I just searched for a chart that went that low.  Believe it or not, that really took some digging to find a chart that went that low.  The results is that an A1C of 4.9 is equivalent of an average blood sugar of 97.

I finally made it to clinic to get my shot.  I shared the good news with them.  They cheered me on.  It feels so great to know I am doing the right things and having proof of it.  My body is changing.  My diabetes is completely under control.  I have exercised 4 days this week and will go back again tomorrow.

It still hurts to walk out of the house each day.  I miss my babies like crazy when I am not here.  I feel a lot of mommy guilt.  I was getting ready to leave yesterday.  I had kissed everyone except for Isaiah.  As I was walking toward the door, he went to stand in front of it.  I bent down and kissed him and told him I was going to the gym. "No!" Yes, Mommy has to go to the gym. I love you and I will be back soon. "Noooo!" Please move so Mama can leave. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"  Daddy picked him up and I left with both of us in tears.  I had to remind myself the whole way to the gym that my kids are the reason I am doing this.  The momentary seperation we experience while I am at the gym isn't nearly as painful as the seperation we will experience if I don't take care of myself. 

Yesterday my older "baby" brother celebrated his *bleeeeep* anniversary of his 19th birthday.  He has always said that he is 19.  I am so glad I got to celebrate with him.  We all spent the evening laughing and arguing over a picture my sister had given me for my photo album for Dad.  She swore it was me...I don't think it is. Neither of us won the other over, but it was so fun. LOL

Speaking of Dad:  My heart is really torn at the moment.  I constantly struggle with giving him enough space and not wanting him to think I don't care.  I would love to spend Father's Day in church with him.  I am not sure this is something I will be brave enough to push though.  He hasn't asked me to join him and I have to wonder if it's because he isn't ready for that.  When we changed our vacation plans to do something closer to home, my first thought was that I would be close enough to home should things work out for me to live out my dream.  Now I need to add that I haven't asked him...he hasn't given me a reason to think he wouldn't want me there.  I just tend to over-analyze things.  Hey, it's what I do.  Please pray that God will give me the courage to do whatever HIS plan is for me concerning all of this.  Thank you.


Weight Loss Mama

1 comment:

  1. That's great news about the A1C!!! Woot!!! Keep it up Lisa!
