Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Liana!!!

Dear Liana,

It has been just over 2 years since you entered my world.  We went from "patiently" awaiting your arrival to our worlds being turned upside down.  You were my first child who I could look at and see signs of neglect.  You captured my heard from the moment I saw you.  Each day you manage to do it again. 

You have grown so much in the last two years.  You have come so far.  You are such a little leader.  You are a little Mama.  You are my mini-me.  You boss around your siblings, younger and older.  Surprisingly, they listen to you most of the time!  Your strong-willed spirit is what kept you going for so long.  You love life and know how to get what you want.

I am so thankful that God chose me to be your Mama.  You have blessed my life.  If I am having a bad day, you will put your little arms around me and hug me so tightly that I can't help smiling.  You make the bad days good and help me to cherish the good days even more than I did.

So here we are.  Today you turn 3.  I cannot wait to see what this year has in store for us.  I know it will be a blast.  You are growing so fast.  I can't wait to see the plans God has for your life.  I am trying so hard to cherish every moment.  I know the second I blink, you will be graduating, getting married, and having babies of your own.  I don't want to miss one single second of your life!

When we asked you what you wanted to do for your birthday, you told me you wanted your nails done, ice cream with Mama and dinner at "fire."  That is just what we will do. You and I will leave soon to go get your nails done.  Lunch will be Marble Slab and we'll have dinner with your dad, siblings, aunts and uncle.  It's going to be a great day because we are celebrating you!  I love you with all my heart, Precious Princess!


Mama (aka Weight Loss Mama)

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