Thursday, May 24, 2012

A New Day

Yesterday was such a hard, emotional day.  I had an appointment to have family photos taken.  It was time for new ones.  I also wanted to get some taken to go along with my Dad's (saying that feels weird and awesome all at the same time) Father's Day present.  We always use PictureMe for our pictures. In the 10 years we've them, I have only had a couple times when I wasn't happy with the shots.  Yesterday, we walked in to find that our favorite photographer was gone.  I suspected that would be coming soon because she was starting to do some stuff on the side.  Now I am kicking myself for not getting her number.  I knew things would be wild, but this woman seriously had no business taking pictures of ANYONE.  They were totally horrible.  There was not ONE pose that was worth keeping.  We spent over an hour there.  I felt bad because she had spent so much time with us, but I wasn't about to pay for the pictures she had taken.  I walked out without buying anything.  She kept trying to get me to keep a few and reschedule another session.  My kids were tired and over it at that point.

I was so upset last night because we weren't able to get good pictures.  I always use PM because I can get a CD of everything and have great pictures to load online.  I wasn't looking forward to going anywhere else.  John, being the awesome husband he is, spent a lot of time looking up a solution for me.  He found a location in Kentucky.  Yes, I would've driven to Kentucky for pictures.  It meant that much to me.  Thankfully, I found a location in Knoxville.  I hesitated to make an appointment because I didn't want a  repeat of yesterday.  I took the plunge and now I am glad I did.  We had gorgeous family photos taken.  I spent WAY too much money on them, but I wanted to make sure I had enough for everyone that would want some.  Adding new family members means more pictures.  Before I only had 3 siblings that wanted pictures and only 2 of them who really cared about more than one pose so it was pretty simple.  This time I wanted to make sure I had plenty.  (Side note: For those who are friends with me on facebook, the pictures are loaded there.)  I got one gorgeous set that I will have framed as part of Dad's Father's Day present.  It's going to be awesome.

Speaking of Dad's Father's Day present, I went to the Christian book store to find a new CD for the van. While I was there I found the rest of Dad's present.  I will refrain from describing it here just in case anyone who knows him may read here, but I was very impressed.  I hope he likes it.  It is hard to shop for him because I simply haven't had the chance to get to know enough about him, yet.  I also put a lot of pressure on myself because this was the first one we would celebrate together.  I was pleased with what I chose though.  I think he'll like it.  I hope so, anyway.

My husband has taken over doing our lawn this year so today, I picked up part of his Father's Day present as well.  He got his gift early, though.  I am getting him a used riding lawn mower, but parts of our yard he can't do with a riding mower so I purchased him a nice push mower and a weed eater.  He will also inherit my old computer as soon as my new one arrives. 

In the midst of all of this, we went to lunch at Chili's today.  I love their grilled chicken and steamed broccoli.  I was given the opportunity to bless someone else.  Giving back to others makes me feels so good.  In fact, my oldest was with me when this happened.  We had a nice discussion why we are put on this earth.  He told me that he believes God put him here to help others.  He has his moments were he is totally a typical 7 year old who is all about himself and down right rude.  Most of the time, though, he is so kind and considerate.  He is wise beyond his years.  He would do anything to help another person.  He will donate his allowance to sick kids.  He tells me all the time that he wants to make gifts for the children's shelter.  He teaches me so much about life and what God expects of us.  I am so blessed. 

Yesterday, was so hard because it was the first bad day since meeting Dad.  I had been on Cloud 9 ever since.  I know that this relationship isn't the answer to all of my problems, but it was just a hard blow going from so many good days to a completely no good day.  God's mercies are new every morning, though.  I am so thankful for that. 

I was going to try to make it back to the gym tonight, but it's late enough now that I am not sure I will make it.  If I do, it will be a late night trip.  I will definitely be heading back in the morning, though.  I have missed the hot tub and long, quiet (oh the quiet) showers.  I am even starting to miss The Beast.  Wow, I really have changed a lot in the last 5 months.  ;-)

I pray that you realize how blessed you are.  Just think of all of the blessings we miss because they don't come wrapped up in neat little packages the way we expect them to be.  I pray that as I grow in Christ that I lose the infantile mentality that keeps me from blessings just because my prayers aren't answered the way I want them to be. 

Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9b (NKJV)


Weight Loss Mama

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