Monday, August 13, 2012

My Circle of Friends

The last post I made, inspired this one.  When Mama died, I was so distraught. I was facing life as an orphan. I had no one to teach me all the things a Mama would teach. I remember looking at John and telling him that I didn't have near enough time to learn all I needed to from her. Here I was 25 years old, but the boys had only been with us 9 months. Who was going to teach me all the things I needed to know. Oh the things she was going to miss. I still miss her so much. There are times when I think I won't make it another minute, but God is generous with His healing power.

God has surrounded me with many women who have played a part in helping me get through the days without my Mama.  This is my chance to give honor where it is due and to say thanks for being part of my circle.  These women lift me up when I am down, laugh when I laugh, cry when I cry, some of them smack me when I need it.  God has brought each of them into my life with a unique purpose, but each of them are precious to me.  I love them so.

Stephanie is my best friend. She is the one I can go to when I am having a bad day. She lifts me up, lightens my mood and prays for me. I don't think there's anything I could tell her that would make her think badly of me. She's seen me at my worst and my best and has supported me through both.   She is also the friend who isn't afraid to hit me over the head with the truth if she needs to either.  It doesn't hurt that she has my gorgeous bonus babies either!

Julie has been a great source of strength to me.  I have known her for ages, but have never met her.  She's always there to listen and offer as much support as she can from the miles that separate us. I am grateful for her friendship.

Then there's my friend Amy. I can go months without speaking to this woman and pick up the phone and it feels like we talk every day. If I need her she's there for me. I love her kids like my own. She's been my homeschool helper. She is the most gentle Mama I have ever met. I have NEVER heard her raise her voice at her children. She is my inspiration to become a better mama.

Eileen is my encourager.  She's always there when I need it.  We hardly ever see each other face to face, but  if I need her she is there.  She always tells me those things that Mama would say if she was here.  I have know this precious lady most of my life.

Casey is like my little sister.  I love her to death.  She is such an encouragement to me and I don't think she even knows it.  She is so precious to me. 

Lynn, sweet and precious Lynn.  I have known this woman over a decade now.  We've went to church together since the mid 90s.  She was just that lady I seen at church.  My mama died on a Sunday.  I was at church when she died and we didn't find her until we got home.  That was one looooonng week.  Sunday we went back to church.  I found myself reliving every single thing I had done the week before.  At the end of service, the Pastor called us all to the altar.  As we were being dismissed Lynn walked up to me and put me in one of the tightest Mama hugs.  I was a huge mess at this point.  I just cried for what seemed like forever.  When I looked up at her she said "God told me that you needed a Mama hug."  I told her what had happened. She told me that she'd be praying for me.  She has honored that statement since.  If I need prayer, she's always there willing to pray for me.  The world is a better place because of this Godly woman.

Last but not least, there is B - my bonus Mama (also known as Dad's wife).  I have blogged about her a lot over the last couple months.  She is a true example of Christ's love.  I do not know any other woman who would be as gracious as she's been since my arrival in her life.  In one of our first conversations she told me "If you're D's daughter then you are mine too."  She makes me laugh.  She makes me cry.  She has weclomed me into her family with open arms and loves me just like my Mama would.  She's very sensitive to Mama's position in my life.  She's never said a bad word about her.  She's a fiesty lady with a huge heart.

Let's not forget the "little women" in my life.  My daughters teach me what it means to love and be loved every day.  I am blessed to be a part of their lives.  I pray I can be half the woman they think I am. 

All of these women have been God sent into my life.  They are part of my inner circle.  Each relationship is different, but each is uniquely special.  I love them with all of my heart and will be eternally grateful for them.  Thank you to each of you. 


Weight Loss Mama

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