Friday, July 6, 2012

Yes It Was Worth It

Today started out early.  John had a job interview at 10.  We left the house before he had time to get breakfast.  My cravings started since I hadn't ate breakfast.  I don't normally eat breakfast, but I'm pretty good at avoiding temptations too.  Chick-Fil-A buscuit, a small fry and a soda.  Yes, more than half of my calories were gone for the day.  It was good, though.   One of the things that I have learned is that there are times when it IS totally worth the calories I pay to indulge in my cravings.  We are starting into month seven.  This is the longest I have ever stuck with a dietary change. Obviously, I'm doing something right.  All praise and glory belong to God though.

I had told the kids if they behaved while John was in his interview that they'd get a surprised.  We managed to have pretty decent behavior so they got their treat - lunch at CiCi's Pizza!  While we were on vacation we went to CiCi's for lunch one day.  I found out that they do low carb bowls.  This is awesome for me because I prefer toppings over the crust anyway.  It was delicious!  I had a salad, one slice of their thin crust garlic and veggie pizza and a low carb bowl.  All for under 500 calories.  Now if you are adding this up I am out of calories unless I go to the gym.

We get home and life happened.  Laundry had to be done.  The boys were working on some stuff they needed to finish before we start school Monday. (Yes, you read that right!) I didn't get out of the house until nearly five.  Because of the holiday, Clinic was closed on Wednesday.  When I stopped to get my shot, there were 7 people ahead of me.  A trip that normally would take me less than 5 minutes ended up taking nearly 45 minutes.  By the time I got out, I was no longer in the mood for the gym so I got dinner and headed home.

Dinner was supposed to be a salad from Subway.  Now I felt awful for not going to the gym and decided that I would splurge for dinner and got nachos from Taco bell and Dim Sum.  I ended up going almost 800 calories over.  I knew I would go over, but I needed to SEE it.  One of my biggest stumbling blocks wasn't cheating on my diet.  It was cheating on my food journals.  I will have days when I fall, but the important thing is that I get back up. Now if I had chosen to have my salad, I would've been FINE with my calories.  I thought about things for a while before I pulled into Taco Bell's drive-thru.  To me it was worth it. 

Tomorrow is a new day, though.  I will get back up on the trail and march on.  I am not discouraged because I know this isn't the end.  It is merely a bump in the road. 


Weight Loss Mama

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