Sunday, April 8, 2012

He is Risen

(The song above is, perhaps, my most favorite Easter song. Please take a quiet moment to enjoy it. )

Today is the day that Christians join together to celebrate the ressurrection of our Savior! As Christians we should celebrate this event all year long. It isn't about the bunny. It isn't about the eggs. It is about the promise our risen Savior brought. Even though His followers knew that He couldn't lie, I have to wonder if there was anyone who secretly wondered if He really would rise. Rising from DEATH was as common as virgin birth. Imagine the surprise, of running to the tomb to find that it was empty! Praise God for that empty tomb.

Today I will be going to church to watch my favorite "nephew" get baptized/dedicated today. I need to schedule the babies' dedication...Then I will come home to dye eggs with the kids, do our egg hunt and celebrate John's birthday. Instead of the traditional easter meal, we will be grilling. Yum!

I want to encourage you to go to church today. Take the time to hear the wonderous news about our risen Savior! Allow your life to be changed forever!


Weight Loss Mama

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