Monday, September 3, 2012

This Mama is TIRED!

Another month has come and gone.  I bombed most of my goals for last month.  I am pretty discouraged right now.  I know this is just a low time for me, though.  I will get back up and keep going.

This past week was a long, difficult one anyway. Tuesday, Landon had his appointment with the behavioral health nurse where we decided to try medication.  He has done FABULOUSLY with the medicine.  His dosage is just enough to help him curb his behaviors and not make him spaced out.  We have been talking a lot about how good behavior is a choice he must make, though.  We met with his pediatrician to get a referral for speech therapy.  We left with that referral plus an appt with an ENT for an overall check up and to have an audiology work up.

Just when Mama thought she was going to get to rest, Liana decided that she needed a turn to have one-on-one time with Mama.  We had some errands to run.  Before we walked out the door I had fixed the little girls' hair.   She and Sam were walking down the steps and she slipped.  When she did she hit her head on the steps.  All she said was "ouch!"  There were no tears or anything so I didn't think anything of it.  While we were gone they took their hair down so I sat down to brush their hair.  I brushed Jewel-Anne's hair first.  While I was brushing Liana's DARK hair, I noticed their was something stuck in it. She had just a small amount of dried blood stuck in her hair. Then I noticed the cut.  It had been a little while since she fell and the site was still oozing a bit so we headed to the ER.  Five hours later we made it out with two staples.

Today, I haven't felt quite right.  I have been super tired all day long.  I feel like I can barely keep my head up.  This afternoon I laid down thinking I would take a nap.  Liana wanted to lay with me so I turned on My Little Pony for her. She started to fall asleep so I made her wake up. If she'd napped then she wouldn't have slept tonight. I started to drift off into dream land (John was in another room with the others) so she starts yelling "Get up Mommy! Get up NOW!" Eventually, she decided to go play with everyone else. I napped for about 5 minutes before everyone decided Mama needed to get up.

Today was Mama's only day to rest.  Landon has planned the rest of my week for me with a little help from his daddy.  Tomorrow is Landon's ENT appointment.  Wednesday is his speech therapy evaluation.  Thursday, John works second shift.  I am sure that Friday will find its own activity.  Let's not forget that school has to fit in there too. 

John starts his new job two weeks from today.  I can't wait until we have insurance again.  One of the first things I am going to do is have a full work up.  I would love to know if there was a medical reason I feel so drained all the time.  I'm not depressed or pregnant.  I checked my blood sugar this afternoon to see if that was the reason I was so tired. It was 125 so that isn't it.  My blood pressure is great. 

On a more positive note - Thanks to the help of my Bonus Mom, I have been able to spend the last couple Sunday evenings watching their church on TV.  I have set it up to record each week so I don't miss it.  Last week I was blessed to hear one sister sing.  This week I got to hear both of them sing.  They have a wonderful Pastor.  I have really enjoyed hearing his messages. 

The whole situation is very bittersweet.  I enjoy being a part of their service when I just can't be right now.  At the same time, it makes me long for the day when I can join them for church.  I also feel slightly guilty.  I feel like I am invading their space or spying on them and they have no clue. 

So that is my life in a  nutshell right now.  If anyone has any extra energy they want to send me, I would appreciate it.  ;-)  Oh, October Baby releases in 8 days!  Make sure you stop and pick up your copy!!


Weight Loss Mama

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