Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Mile

For years I made New Years Resolutions. Every year it was always the exact same thing! I would lose (insert insane number here) pounds during the next year. The result? By the 3rd week of January I had already fallen off the wagon and was so depressed because of my failure. By the end of the year I'd actually gained more weight than I started with.

My biggest obstacle is cooking. I like to have someone to talk to when I cook. Before mom died, she was always my cooking buddy. She'd come into the kitchen or sit in her bedroom (right off the kitchen) and we'd talk while I cooked. After she died, I lost the joy of cooking. That meant meals weren't as healthy because we were eating more junk and eventually we were eating out more than I was cooking. For 7 of us we were spending an insane amount of money eating out. TOTALLY crazy. I knew this, but I still had no desire to cook. I got to the point that even eating at some of my most favorite restaurants (The Melting Pot excluded) just didn't even have the appeal they once did. I grew to dislike food.

I am going to start cooking again this year. I will save lots of money. My biggest issue will be grocery shopping. I HATE grocery shopping. It takes forever then I come home and it takes forever to put things up. I think one of the reasons I dread it so much is because this was always another activity I did with Mama. I think John and I will start taking turns going to the grocery store.

I am so proud of myself for not waiting until January to start my journey. I don't want the NYR stigma attached to my journey. I am now on Day 4 of my medication. I woke up this morning feeling slightly energized! Normally, I wake up and feel like I could just go back to sleep. While I feel a little tired, I have a little energy, too.

My biggest accomplishment this week was that I started exercising. I went Thursday and walked half a mile and felt like I was dying. My chest hurt. My legs hurt. I felt like I was going to pass out. Yesterday, my goal was to walk 3/4 mile. I felt horrible. My chest still hurt so I slowed down a bit. I made it to a half mile and thought I'd never make my goal. By the time I made it to my goal, I was back up to the speed I wanted to be at. I wasn't feeling so bad so I kept walking. I made it a whole mile! I cannot tell you the last time I've walked a mile.

Dinner the last two nights was Shoney's salad and cabbage soup. It came in at just under 500 calories. All and all I'd say we'd call it a great couple of days. I'm really proud of myself.

Weight Loss Mama

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