Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Moment I Stopped Breathing

So many things have been going on in my world this week. My husband, who has worked two jobs most of our marriage finally said goodbye to his second employer. His last day was Monday night, Isaiah's birthday. Monday night, on his way to his second job, his car broke down. I have spent most of the week taking him back and forth to work.

Today, I was on my way home when I called my best friend, Stephanie. She had surgery on Monday so I wanted to call and check on her. We talked for a few moments and I noticed she wasn't quite herself. This was more than the I-just-had-surgery voice. Then she said the words that made me lose my breath. She said the doctor called her and told her she has cancer.

I met Stephanie a few years ago at church. She said she noticed that we kept coming in with more and more children so she knew I had to be a foster parent. She and I started talking on facebook and hanging out. We soon found out that we were each others long lost twin. Ok, not really, but it sure seems that way. She has six kids. I have five. We are both SAHM. I could write a book about our similarities, but I will spare you. No matter how similar we are, we are as different as night and day. I homeschool and can't imagine that will ever change. She says she could never do it. I am very high strung, and she is more relaxed. I am very quiet and more reserved where she is VERY outgoing. God didn't just bless me with a friend, or even a best friend. She is my sister.

I have sat here today trying to process everything. I have prayed for many people over the years who have cancer or a serious illness, but it's a different ball game when it hits so close to home. I don't know what tomorrow holds or what the medical action plan will be at this point. What I do know is that I will be there for her every step of the way. At this moment I do feel helpless because I don't know what to do for her. I would take this burden from her if I could, but I cannot.

I share all of this with you for this reason. Please keep her in your prayers. Add her to your prayer list, your church's prayer list, share the request on facebook - whatever! Please just pray for her. Pray for her emotional health as well as her physical one.



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