Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November Thankfulness

This is my list of things I am thankful for this month.  There are way too many to list here, but these are the ones I chose to highlight.

November 1st - This month I am participating in "30 Days of Thankfulness." Each day I will be posting one thing I am thankful for. Today I am thankful that God thought I was worth the sacrifice of sending His only Son to die for my sins. I think of all the times when I felt defeated or frustrated during the adoption process with our kids. What we have to sacrifice today is nothing compared to the price that OUR adoption cost. Thank You God, for thinking that a sinner like me was worth being part of your family.

November 2nd - Today I am thankful for Jesus. The old song says "Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe." God sent Christ to earth to DIE for my sins. At any point along the way, Jesus could've stopped and said "I don't FEEL like going to the cross. I didn't do anything, but they are punishing me for the sins of others." He chose the cross, though. I pray that I learn to be that unselfish with my life. "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends." - John 15:13

November 3rd - Today I am thankful for my Mama. She spent her life trying to make my life better. This year has been full of information that has challenged the way I saw her, news that shattered everything I thought I knew. I know she loved me and I know she did her best to raise me right. I am thankful that she chose life for me. I am thankful for the 25 years God blessed me with this incredible lady.

November 4th - Today I am thankful for my Daddy. It has been a wild year. When I made last year's list, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine the miracle was about to take place in my life. I am thankful that God brought my Daddy "home" to me. I am thankful that my Daddy was willing to accept me and start building a relationship with me. I am blessed beyond measure.

November 5th - Today I am thankful for my husband. We've had so many ups and downs throughout our relationship, but he is a good man who works hard to provide for his family. I love him and I am happy that God chose him for me.

November 6th - Today I am thankful for my Glory Babies. You guys shaped my life in ways I never imagine. The emotional journey that has accompanied your births has made my question so many things about God and my life, but I would never change a thing. I am so thankful that God chose ME to be your Mama. Madison, Elijah, Hannah, Felicity, Michael, Jeremiah and Chloe - Mama loves you so much! I know you will have the Happiest Thanksgiving and Merriest Christmas of all because you are celebrating with Jesus!

November 7th - Today I am thankful for Sam. My first earth baby. He burst into my world full of life and sweetness one March day 4 years ago. He is such a great little boy. His heart is as big as anyone I've ever met before. He would do anything to help someone. He is the child who continuously tells me he wants to take his piggy bank to "the shelter" for the kids who need food and toys. His first Christmas with us he filled up 3 large garbage bags of toys to donate to other children. He teaches me so much about how God loves us. I am blessed beyond measure that God chose me to be Sam's Mama.

November 8th - Today I am thankful Landon. He is so full of life and spunk! He is my "cat." He rarely let's you know his love for you. He makes you work for his affection. That makes me appreciate his love so much because I HAVE to WORK for the "I love you's" I get from him. He is my comic relief, the source of my gray hair, and the joy of my life. I couldn't imagine life without him. I am so thankful God chose me to be his Mama.

November 9th - Today I am thankful for Jewel-Anne. She was my first little unexpected blessing. There are so many things she does that reminds me of Mama. She even has Mama's feet. She is my first infant. She taught me about determination. When she was born she struggled for every single milestone she would reach, but she did it! She is the ultimate sweetheart. She always has a smile on her face and is such a cuddle bug. She gave me the gift I never thought I'd have on earth - bringing a child home from the hospital and raising it. For years I prayed for 3 AM feedings and boy, did she grant that wish!

November 10th - Today I am thankful for Liana. You have been my little spunky bundle of joy since you walked into my life. You are the little Mama that helps me keep the ship running. You are amazing and I can't wait to see what God has in store for you. I am blessed to be called your Mama.

November 11th - Today I am thankful for Isaiah. You amaze me so much, Little Man. You teach me so much about how we are to love God. When I look into your eyes, I am amazed that someone could trust or believe in me so much.

November 12th - Today I am thankful for Aunt Flossie. You were just like a grandmother to me. The person I am today, at least the good things, is because of the things you taught me. Thank you for being willing to spend your retirement loving and nurturing someone who often didn't appreciate the sacrifice. It took becoming a parent to really understand all you did for me. Thank you so much for loving me!

November 13th - Today I am thankful for Suzie, Sandy, Donny and Pete (Dad's kids) - Thank you so much for sharing Dad with me. I know that none of this is easy for you guys either, but I am thankful that God has given me the opportunity to get to know you. I look forward to spending the rest of our lives making up for the 29 years we missed.

November 14th - Today I am thankful for my other set of siblings - Earl, Kathy, Cindy and Paul (Mom's kids) - Life hasn't always been the greatest between us, but I am glad God blessed me with you guys. I love you!

November 15th - Today I am thankful for my church. I have finally found a place that feels like home and I am so thankful for that. God has blessed me so much through my pastor and his family. I pray that their ministry continues to grow and prosper as God would have it to.

November 16th - Today I am thankful for my friendships. God has blessed me with some wonderful friends. Some who have stayed for a season and those who have stayed "forever." Each one of you have taught me so much about life. I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for each of you.

November 17th - Today I am thankful for a special friend, Stephanie McKinney. She is always there to listen to me, lift me up, and smack me around when I need it. God has blessed me beyond measure with this incredible person. I love you so much!

November 18th - Today I am thankful for Christmas decorations, movies, treats and all the things we know as Christmas. I love the sounds and smells of this season.

November 19th - Today I am thankful for memories. It is what makes me be able to enjoy this season without Mama here to enjoy it with us.

November 20th - Today I am thankful for God's blessings. As the song says "there's a roof up above me, I have a good place to sleep, there's food on my table and shoes on my feet." I am so thankful that God has always met my NEEDS. Money may get tight from time to time but I've never known what it means to truly struggle. My kids have food, clothing and shelter. That is a lot more than a lot of people have today.

November 21st - Today I am thankful for my MP3 player. You provide a great workout distraction! My mind is grateful to you!

November 22nd - Today I am thankful for turkey and broccoli casserole! Yum!!!

November 23rd - Today I am thankful for leftovers. You are so bad for my waist-line, but oh so good for my taste buds!

November 24th - Today I am thankful for service men and women. Thank you for all you do to protect our freedoms. Thank you for spending your holidays fighting to keep us safe instead of with your families where you'd rather be.

November 25th - Today I am thankful for peanut butter cookies! You are my favorite dessert. I really like it when you are full of honey roasted peanuts. *Note to anyone thinking of what to get me for Christmas - I would appreciate your gift of peanut butter cookies!*

November 26th - Today I am thankful for my favorite authors - Amy Clipston, Beth Wiseman, Cindy Woodsmall and Wanda Brunstetter! I love getting lost in the stories you share. Your characters become like family to me.

November 27th - Today I am thankful for the God-given ability to homeschool my children. I wouldn't trade this gift for the whole world!

November 28th - Today I am thankful for music! It gives memories, lifts my moods and brings so much to my family. Thank you to my favorite artists too!

November 29th - Today I am thankful for our police officers, fire fighters and EMTs. Thank you for helping keep us safe!

November 30th - Today I am thankful for the fact that there are only 25 more days until Jesus's Birthday!   

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