Then I will go to the altar of God, to God my exceeding joy; and upon the lyre I shall Praise You, O God, my God. - Psalm 43:4 NASB
One of the greatest blessings of God's love is His consistent pursuit. It is a supernaural love like none we have ever known. It's a love that never slows down, never falters, and never stops.
As a worship leader, it's embarrassing to admit that here are days that I don't feel like worshipping. Maybe I'm too tired, too busy, or just in a bad mood. Maybe I have done something that is displeasing to God, and I am too ashamed to approach Him. Yet, as Psalm 43 explains, my job is to just call on His name.
God has enlised His marvelous light and soul-piercing truth to come to us, take us by the hand, and to lead us to that place of worship.
When I cannot remember the way to God, He will lead me. When I do not have the strength to search for him, He still pursues my soul!
God's love is a pursuing love; He never abandons us. And when we are los, god will lead us back to Himself if we let Him.
(Disclaimer: I took this from the book "What If Your Blessings Come Through Raindrops" by Laura Story. I make no claim to the above as my own work.)
Today's devotion reminds me of the story of the Shepherd who left the 99 to search out the one little lost lamb. When I feel so lost and too unworthy to come to Him, God loves me enough that He will "search the hillside' to bring me back home. I am so thankful that my Daddy loves me so much that He will search for me. He does the same for you also!
This is the day which the LORD hath made ; we will rejoice and be glad in it. - Psalm 118:24
Be Blessed,
Weight Loss Mama
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