Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What On Earth Is Going On? Part Two

Yesterday, I went to the doctor for all the swelling I was experiencing.  I had gained 18 pounds in one week.   The doctor (not my normal PCP) didn't seem overly concerned.  She changed the medicine they'd put me on the previous week and put me on a diuretic.   As I walked to the car I started getting very winded.  Nothing too alarming but enough of a concern to make a mental note about it.  I left the doctor and called John and a couple other people.  I decided to stop for lunch before I went to get my medicine.  I started having trouble breathing again while walking into the restaurant.  I ate my lunch and set there for a few minutes hoping whatever was going on would chill out.  I walked out to the car and again experienced shortness of breath.  Alright, now it was time to call the doctor.  I called her back and told her what was going on hoping she wouldn't say what I KNEW she would say.  After caring for my Mama as many years as I did, I am not new to the medical scene.  This whole situation stinks!  The doctor said to go straight to the ER.  I called John and headed that way.  By this time my phone started ringing a lot.  I got stuck in traffic and ended up having to take a detour so I stopped at US Cellular to get a phone charger.  I parked right up front and walked straight to the register.  Again, I started having trouble breathing.  

I finally made it to the ER where they registered me then made me sit for almost 4 hours before they seen me.  If I'd had the energy to walk out I would've went somewhere else.  I just read my book and prayed a lot.  Once I seen the doctor he took one look at me and told me he was certain I either had a blood clot in my lungs or I was going into Congestive Heart Failure (CHF).  Mom had CHF before she passed away.  I say there in mid freak out mode.  I totally understand where Thomas was.  I believe, help Thou my unbelief.  They ran every test imaginable on me.  They were so kind to do a blood gas.  (All sarcasm intended!)  If you've never had one, God bless you! That hurt like nothing else!  Then they tried to start an IV.  I don't even remember how many times they stuck me.  They started me on IV Lasix and sent me off to radiology.  I had an ultrasound on my legs, a CT and x-ray of my lungs and 8 tubes worth of blood work done.  The doctor came in and told me he had no idea what was going on with me but he could assure me what I didn't have.  He told me that his job as an ER doctor "is to make sure that you are not going to die tonight, tomorrow or the next day."  He said he felt comfortable sending me home and letting me follow up with my doctor in two to three days to make sure the fluid was still leaving.

I stopped to get my medicine and a bite to eat.  I finally got home.  I made a small update to a few friends.   I am sure those special friends thought I was crazy because I had talked to so many people I was unsure who I had talked to or what I had and hadn't shared yet.  Please be assured that my mind isn't slipping.  My phone decided to "blow up" while at the hospital.  It rang and rang and rang....when it wasn't ringing, I was getting facebook alerts and messages.  

Last night I couldn't really get comfortable. I slept sitting straight up in bed because the slightest incline made me feel like I couldn't breathe.  Around 1:30 Isaiah woke up and then woke the girls up.  I think I might have gotten three hours of sleep the whole night.  

This morning my chest felt like it was "tickling."  I felt bad enough that I went back to the doctor.  Today I seen my doctor.  He said he was totally unconvinced that the new medicine was causing my problems and he referred me to a cardiologist and changed the diuretic.  I will see the cardiologist on February 5th.  Until then I was given strict orders to stay in bed as much as possible and rest.  He told me he understood I had five kids, but that he was serious about me resting.  

I want to thank all of those who have stood by my side the last couple days.  Thank you to those friends who have prayed, called, texted, etc.  It means a lot to know I have the prayers and support.  Emotionally I am spent right now.  Physically, I am very tired.  

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry sweetie. I am praying for you. I wish I lived closer so I could come help.
