Thursday, November 8, 2012

A1C - November 2012

Confession Time

My healthy eating has went out the window for the past couple months.  I knew I was doing it.  I cared more than I would have a year ago but not enough to stop.  I thought as long as I ate one meal a day that I could eat whatever I wanted.  That worked fine as long as I was eating healthy 99 % of the time.  My weight has went up and down and up again.  I do not want to be a yo-yoer any longer.

Sam came out of my room a few minutes ago and brought me one of my at-home a1c kits. I tested it and it was 6.0.  It is still relatively good for a diabetic, but it isn't near as good as what I had when I went to the doctor last time.  I won't be going back to the doctor until January.  I am due to go back in December, but why waste the deductible? Due to me forgetting my meds, I will have enough to get me through.

That brings me to my next point.  I cannot remember to take my medicine to save my life.  Before I got my new phone, I had a reminder to take my medicine each night.  Now I keep forgetting to set my reminder. Ironic, huh? Alright I stopped long enough to set my alarm to take my meds.  I should be good to go.

Here we go again!!

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