Wednesday, September 28, 2022


 CGM - Continuous Glucose Monitoring... When I was at the doctor last week he recommended we upgrade to CGM to try to get my blood sugars under tighter control. Insurance required prior approval before I could get it so I picked the monitor and sensors up yesterday. Diabetes has me nevering like I never nevered before. Before diabetes, I swore I could never check my own blood sugar. Well, I had to learn. I swore I could never give myself a shot. It was difficult the first few months but now, years later, I do it without trouble most days. So when it came to CGM, it was no different. I had literal nightmares the last few days about sticking myself with the CGM sensor. For those who do not know, the CGM sensor goes on your arm. It stays there for two weeks and you just scan the sensor to check your blood sugar. The sensor continuously keeps track of your blood sugars. If it has a high reading it will tell you to scan it. I am no expert by any means because I just started this journey. I was woke up this morning with a high blood sugar. It was 200. I am not sure how or why it was 200 at SIX AM, but it was. I didn't have anything sugary or carb filled at bedtime last night. By the time I woke up and checked it again, it was 160. Not a great fasting level by any means but I will take it over the 200. I was unaware that these little discs required adhesive patches to keep them on, but that do. I have ordered some and now I am just trying to keep the disc in place until they get here. It is a bit of tape around it but it keeps wanting to try to come up. I just keep pressing it back into place. So here is the start of my journey. It is mildly frustrating. Hopefully, it will help get my levels under control and keep them there. 

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