Wednesday, March 5, 2025

PCP Update

 I had my first post-op visit with my PCP today. It went very well. After logging my blood pressures and blood sugars for the last week, he took me off my Mounjaro, Jardiance, Atenolol, and Lisinopril. He told me once again how proud he was of me for the progress I have made so far. I have the sweetest doctor who never ceases to encouragement through my ups! I am so grateful for him. 

The healing itching has started. Must not scratch... On another note, I had a post-op zoom call with the bariatric coordinator yesterday. On the call were all of the patients who had surgery last week. It made me realize just how blessed I am. One guy had already went back to work, but other than that, everyone was talking about how they were having trouble with pain, getting fluids/protein in, etc. I am having none of that. I have been off strong pain meds since Saturday and I have had nothing for pain (not even Tylenol) since Sunday. Today I have drank over 80 oz of fluid and 30 oz of those were protein shakes. Don't get me wrong - I have had my own bumps in the road. God has been very gracious to me, though. I am very thankful to Him for that.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

A Rough Day - Let's Be Real

 Today started out pretty good. Healing is going pretty well. I am off all pain medications except Tylenol. It doesn't completely relieve the pain, but I am very much anti-pain medication. This morning we went to church. Service was great. Everyone was friendly and told me they had been praying for me. I really love my church. 

After church things started going down hill for me emotionally, though. I am only allowed to drink 64 oz of fluid a day right now. This includes my protein shakes and juices that are a must. Screwed up and drank almost all of them in the first half of the day and now I am sitting here wishing I could have something to drink, but I can't. The last amount of fluid has to go for my bedtime medicine. That is problem number one. 

Problem number two today has been a raging case of head-hunger. If you do not know what head hunger is, it is where your head tells you that you are hungry and makes you want to eat whether you are actually hungry or not. I have not been truly hungry since before surgery. But today I am day-dreaming of food. Right now I am only allowed protein shakes, juices, and other liquids. So I decided to sit down and make a grocery list for Stage Two foods. This was actually helpful because it showed me there was a light at the end of this tunnel. That was until...

Problem number three occurred - I am not sure why I didn't notice this before but I am glad I didn't. I am not sure that I would have gone through with the surgery if I had. (Just being honest in this moment...) I was under the assumption that once I got through the stages of my diet to where I was eating normal food again that I would go back to the diet I was on before (3 month) surgery - which was 1200 calories. No, There are 4 phases to this diet and I checked them all. Stages 2-4 all have 750-910 calories (max) listed. I understand that weight loss is a goal, but that just shocked me. 

John made dinner for the kids tonight and after he did I sat down and cried. He told me he didn't understand what I was going through because he hadn't been there and probably never would be, but that he was here for me and would be every step of the way. He was very kind and gentle with me, as he always is, and he let me get my feelings out. I love that man. God couldn't have given me a better man to marry. He isn't perfect, but he is perfect for me. 

Now, I am sure no one will be reading this. Least of all anyone I actually know, but let me make some things clear. One, I have a great support system that I am very thankful for. Two, I do not regret my surgery for anything. Three,  I have stuck to my diet and will continue to do so. Four, I have always been transparent with the things that I have chosen to share on here. I don't share everything but the things I do share I am going to be real with. This new journey will be no different. There will be good days, bad, and in-between. Today was just rough. Tomorrow will hopefully be better. 

- Me

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Post-Op Day 1

 I am not really sure how to count post-op days. Yesterday was surgery day so I am counting today as post-op day 1. Any way...The surgery went well. They were able to complete the surgery all at one time. There was talk prior of saying they may have to do the sleeve part of the surgery then go back and do the switch part. I am thankful that it was all done in one surgery because I do not think that my insurance would cover a second surgery and I am not sure I would want to go through a second surgery. I am in a bit of pain. The pain meds dull the pain but do not completely relieve it, but that is ok. The bad part is my liver is enlarged. The doctor said that he has hopes that it will shrink the longer I am on my new diet. If you are reading this please pray for me. 

Emotionally, I am doing ok, but just ok. Last night, Cindy stayed with me and for the first time I watched My 600-Pound Life. They had a lady on there who'd had The Sleeve procedure previously but she'd gained all of her weight back and then some. I have the resolve that I am going to do this and that I will not go back to my old habits, BUT after spending a lifetime of dieting and failing it scares me to think that this will be another failed attempt. I mean, I know it won't be...but it still scares me. 

So that is my update for now. I will be chilling in between my walks. I have to drink every 15 minutes to prevent dehydration. I am only allowed two ounces per 15 minutes right now. This will continue for two weeks until I return to the doctor. This is Phase One. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

March Weigh-Ins

 March Weigh-Ins 

    1 - 240.6 (First Weigh-In Post Surgery)

    8 -

    15 -

    22 -

    29 -

Friday, February 21, 2025

30 Days of Surgery Songs

When I started this 30 day journey, I complied a list of songs to get me through. Each day gives me a song of encouragement. We are almost through. Only 5 days left! 

30. Chosen 
29. Everything is Possible
28. Clean
27. Fighting for Me
26. If You Want Me To
25. You Say
24. Over and Over
23. Different

Five Days To Go

I had my Pre-Admission Testing this week. I was dreading it because I didn't know what all was involved. It turned out all it I had to do was have an EKG and bloodwork. No big deal...or so I thought. I have always been a hard stick. They couldn't get a vein and when they did get a vein I wouldn't bleed or wouldn't bleed enough. Hospital policy says that each person could only stick me two times. I saw four people. That's right. They stuck me eight times! I just have really bad veins. Thankfully, that part is past me. After that, I went to my pre-op appointment with my bariatric office. I saw the PA. She was really nice. I left the office with a huge list of new (temporary) prescriptions and pre/post-op instructions. 

Today, I packed my bags for the hospital. Yeah, I know it is almost a week away, but it helps me (and my anxiety) to do things early. Everything is now in the van just waiting for Surgery Morning. I am excited! 

Monday, February 10, 2025