Friday, January 31, 2025

Diet Class

 Before surgery I have a diet class, a pre-op appt at the hospital, and a pre-op appt with my surgeon I have to complete. Wednesday was my diet class. They weighed me. I am officially down 20 lbs since I started my surgery journey in October. The class was pretty informative and at the same time kind of boring. They went over the first phase of recovery and all of the hospital stay stuff. This is going to be a long road, but I knew that. I am ready to get this show started, though. I am excited and nervous still. 

I have started my 800 calorie pre-op diet and because of that, I had to go down to one hour of walking a day. After my first walk of the day I have "jelly legs" and have problems feeling like my legs are - well - jelly. I can't describe it better than that. It lasts all day. Hopefully, I will be able to adjust and pick up my other two walks before surgery but if not then we will see what I decide to do after recovery. 

26 days left!! 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

February Weigh-Ins

 February Weigh-Ins

1 - 253

8 - 245.2

15 - 245.4

22 - 238.6

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Houston, We Have A Date!!

The last few days I have obsessively watched my insurance's website waiting for the approval for my surgery to come through so I could call my bariatric doctor's office to schedule my surgery. My insurance company acted like I would know before the doctor's office did. Imagine my surprise when my doctor's office called yesterday and left a message for me to call them to schedule my surgery. I called them back immediately and now we have a date...February 26th!!! 

Of course there is a lot of prep to do in the mean time. I have to go on a more restrictive (800 calorie) diet for a month. I have a diet class, pre-op testing at the hospital, a pre-op appointment with my surgeon. It seems like the list is never ending but it will be worth it. I am so excited, but I am a little scared too. Life is about to get very different for me. 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Month Two/Diet Appointment Number Three

 Keeping track of these appointment numbers vs the months is confusing. This is the end of month two, BUT is appointment number three SOOOOO this blog gets a weird title. I started out at 273 at the bariatric doctor's office. He wanted me to lose ten pounds before I had the surgery. Today was my final appointment for weight management with my PCP. I weighed 258 according to PCP's scales. Now I do not know if their scales are comparable, but I do know that I have lost the ten pounds that the bariatric doctor wanted. I am so excited. There were moments when I truly worried I wouldn't make it. With the grace of God, I did it, though! 

Next Steps - So when I got home I called the bariatric office to make sure that they had received the fax that my PCP's office had sent. They said that it was probably in their stack of faxes but they "hadn't received it yet." She said once they did receive it, that it would go to so and so's desk to be submitted to insurance. Eeek! Insurance usually takes 10-14 business days to make a decision. If it is approved we will move on. If it is not then they will appeal it. Once we get an approval I will have two more appointments. One will be a diet appointment where we will discuss my diet and I will get my surgery date (Double EEEK!!!!) The other appointment will be where we do all of my pre-op stuff. Because of my BMI, I will be required to do a month long pre-op diet. From what I have heard it is pretty brutal. Think, around 800 calories. We will make it though because we do not have any other choice. 

I am excited. I am scared. I am ready to do this! Please pray for me. Life is changing in so many ways. Good changes, but wow, it is a lot. It will only continue!