Saturday, December 28, 2024

January Weigh-Ins

 January Weigh-Ins

    4 - 258.4

    11 -261.8

    18 - 260.0

    25 - 260.2

Three Hours

 I did it. I decided to pump it up and see what I can do in the next week before I go back to the doctor. I did three hours on the walking pad today! I am very sore but it was worth it. I do not know if I can do that again but I am proud of myself for the goals I accomplished today! 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024


 I am not a person who makes New Year's Resolutions, but I have been thinking about what the coming year will bring. Where will I be this time next year? What will the new year bring? Will I crush my goals? Sometimes I think I will rock this weight loss surgery. Other times - I feel like this will be another failed attempt in my endless list of attempts to get healthy. (Just being  honest here.) I am in a weird place right now. I feel like I am in a holding pattern right now. 2024 has brought a few changes... more than a few really. 2025 will be bringing so many more, though. I am hoping they are all good changes. My head is full of thoughts tonight but I cannot seem to get them out so I guess I will end this blog post here. 

A Year In Books 2025

 Each year I make a blog post to keep track of the books I have read that year. My goal this year is going to be 52 books. 

  1. A Groom for Willow By Patricia PacJac Carroll
  2. Allison By Kirsten Osbourne
  3. A Groom For Charity By Shonda Fischer
  4. A Groom for Fancy By Christine Sterling
  5. Adele's Decision By Amelia C. Adams
  6. Katie's Conundrum By Lynn Donovan
  7. Christina's Crusade By Amelia C. Adams
  8. Eliza's Longing By Laura D Bastian
  9. Annie's Endeavor By Cyndi Raye
  10. Saving Savannah By Laura D. Bastian
  11. Callie's Calamity By Jaclyn Hardy

Friday, December 6, 2024

Month One Officially Over

 Month one is officially over...and I am frustrated. I wanted to lose the entire ten pounds that my bariatric doctor has requested of me. According to my scales at home I was pretty close to meeting that goal. Then, today, I went to my PCP for my second diet visit and found out that according to THEIR scales, I lost TWO POUNDS the entire month. I am frustrated and heartbroken. My doctor was so kind and reassuring. He said he was proud of me when I vented to him. I am on a 1200 calorie diet that I have followed every day minus a couple days. I have walked at least 30 minutes every single day and it's been an entire hour for the last two plus weeks. I am now drinking 140oz + of water a day. I am at a loss for what more I can do. So we are playing with my meds now. He has taken me completely off the Metformin. He also increased my dose of Mounjaro to 15mg. He promised me we would get the to the 10 lb mark that my bariatric doctor has requested of me before this is all said and done. I picked up the new dose of Mounjaro on the way home. I will start it on Saturday because that is my shot day. Here's hoping month two will be better.