My list...
I saw a post on a friend's blog. She got the idea from one of her friends, and I loved it! For every pound lost, give a reason to have lost that pound! Here is my list so far.
1. To live to raise my kids, not just live but be able to have a full life.
2. To be able to get pregnant without fertility drugs, without miscarriage, and without risking my life to do so.
3. To be able to play with my kids without getting out of breath.
4. Sit comfortably without pinching the nerve in my hip.
5. Walk through the pew at church without having to side step
6. Walk a mile without feeling like I'm dying.
7. I want to see my great grandchildren.
8. I want to be proud of myself.
9. I want to believe my husband when he tells me I'm gorgeous and not just believe he's saying because he feels he has to.
10. Not have my legs touch in the middle
11. To walk in a room without feeling everyone is talking about me.
12. To be able to dress up when I go out on a date with my husband.
13. To not die at the age of 61 like my mama did.
14. To avoid all the health problems my mama had.
15. To be a good role model for my children, especially my girls.
16. To get the new wardrobe my sister promised me 20 years ago if I would lose weight. She told me the other day that she still intends to make good on her promise when I lose everything I need too. (220 lbs to go).
17. To be able to use to Wii Fit. My starting weight exceeded the limit.
18. To be able to hug my husband without leaning forward.
19. To be able to be carried over the threshold for my 10th anniversary.
20. To make my mama proud of me.
21. To be able to shop and not pay extra for my clothes.
22. To have ENERGY.
23. To be able to stand and see my legs.
24. To be able to stand and see my toes!
25. To be able to carry my 7 year old without having back pain for the next day.
26. To rid myself of sleep apnea.
27. To learn how to make healthy eating choices.
28. To feel like said healthy eating isn't a punishment.
29. To no longer make excuses for my eating behavior. (working on that one now.)
30. To not get depressed when I food journal.
31. To have a normal BP.
32. To live without diabetes.
33. To go to the doctor without being lectured about losing weight.
34. To go to the beach without feeling like a freak in a bathing suit.
35. To be able to ride an airplane for the first time without needing 2 seats.
36. To be able to reach others and encourage them through their journey as well. If I can do it, ANYONE can.
37. To be able to jump.
38. To run for the first time ever.
39. To be able to fit into jeans again.
40. To be small enough to have a body fat assessment. (Not that I really want/need to know, but I'm currently over the limit for the test. 02/2012)
41. To be able to have a professional massage. (Right now when I lay on my stomach I feel like I'm going to die)
42. To ride bumper boats again.
43. To be able to weigh my toddlers on WiiFit. (Tried to do this the other day and our combined weight was too much!)
44. To no longer be the fat girl.
45. To have a lap again. (Currently my kids sit on my belly)
46. To be able to carry two of my children at one time.
47. To carry my children without my back hurting.
48. To stand through praise and worship without my back hurting.
49. To be able to make two meals out of ONE restaurant meal and still feel full.
50. To be more outgoing.
51. To walk instead of waddle.
52. When I die, I want to be able to have a normal coffin and not need 12 men to carry it.
53. 2024 - Here we are years later. To be a healthy role model for my teenage daughters.
54. To rid myself of the medicines I take.
55. <this one is private>
56. To make my husband proud of me.
57. To be able to cross my legs
58. To one day lose my handicap placard.
59. To one day not need the motorized scooter through Sam's Club.
60. To love myself.
61. To be able to sit in a booth again.
62. To be able to get out of the floor when I sit down.
63. To live to meet my children's future spouses.
64. To sit comfortably at the theater.
65. To outlive my Bonus Dad
66. To outlive my siblings (they are all older than me).
67. To live longer than my Dad did.
68. To drive without the steering wheel touching my body.
69. To weigh less than my kids. (I am shorter than they are so my BMI should be less than theirs.)
70. To have my husband be able to pick me up.
71. To weigh less than I did when I got married (220lbs).
72. To no longer being the "Fat Girl"
73. To make my kids proud of me.
74. To get rid of my seatbelt extender
75. To go to Disney World and be able to enjoy myself.
76. To know that I was (with God's help) strong enough to get healthy.
77. To enjoy my life more.
78. To no longer need a cardiologist.
79. To take up new hobbies.
80. Saying good-bye to my seatbelt extender today!
(To be Cont.)
Weight Loss Mama