Saturday, November 25, 2023

Mounjaro End of Week 1 Weigh-In

  Saturdays are weigh-in and shot days. I took my second shot this morning. This past week I haven't felt like eating much. I eat one decent meal and then snack for dinner if I can  manage to make myself do that. Because I had lost a pound or so before starting the shots I expect to see some loss on the scale this week. I was very disappointed when I saw I had gained 0.2 pounds. My husband was a big encouragement to me and told me it was probably Thanksgiving and he's right. I also haven't started dieting yet. I was trying to see exactly what meds alone would do. I do not want to make a bunch of changes at once that I will not be able to stick with. Here's hoping that next week will show better changes on the scale. 

Highest Weight (2012) - 360

Mounjaro Starting Weight - 313.2

Current Weight - 313.4

Goal Weight - 100

Saturday, November 18, 2023

New Meds

 I just finished taking my first injection of Mounjaro. The doctor started me on 2.5 mg. I will take that dose for a month then increase. I will increase each month until I get to my maintenance dose. I am hoping it helps my blood sugar and helps me lose weight. Some of the possible side effects are kind of scary, but prayerfully, those will not happen. Saturdays have also become my weigh-in days.  I lost 1.8 lbs. Not a big loss, but I wasn't trying so I will take it. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

New Goals

 I am giving myself some goals to start out with. Some will be simple daily goals. Others will be more complex goals. This is where I am starting, though. 

Daily Goals

    1. Drink 1 gallon water daily

    2. Drink no more than one soda a day.


Exercise Goals

    1. Exercise 10 minutes 3 times a week

    2. Exercise 10 minutes 6 times a week

    3. Exercise 20 minutes 6 times a week

    4. Exercise 1 hour 6 times a week

    5. Do 1 mile on elliptical

    6. Do 1 hour on elliptical

Medical Goals

    1. Drop blood pressure to normal range

    2. Drop A1C half a point

    3. A1C to 7.0

    4. A1C to 6.0

Weight Goals 

    1. Lose 5 lbs

    2. Get out of 300s

    3. 290

    4. 280

    5. 270

Monday, November 13, 2023


 This is a blog post I didn't want to have to write. It's not because it is a bad thing. It is because I am scared. Today, November 13, 2023, I went to see my primary care doctor for the first time in 14 months. I didn't set out to make it this way. I didn't decide, "Hmm, let's see how long I can manage to go without going to the doctor." The past year and a half has had a lot of emotional turmoil and medical anxiety for me so I just decided that we would avoid doctors at all costs. 

I want to lose weight. So I discussed that with my doctor today. He put me on Mounjaro. It is a Diabetes injection that has shown great success with losing weight. Of course I know that diet and exercise must be a part of my plan, but I am hoping this will be the golden ticket to helping me lose weight again. At the very least it will help me get back on track with my diabetes, I hope. I am just waiting for my insurance to approve it.

I have such mixed feelings this time around. I am scared of failing. As a life long yo-yoer, I am struggling because I already see myself failing without even starting. I questioned whether to blog this time around or not. Blogging was a great help when I first started doing it...until it wasn't. Then people would ask and I would just climb further into my cocoon and hide with my poison (food) of choice. 

I do not remember ever being under 250. I mean, I know I was as a teenager, but I do not remember that weight. One thing that has been on my mind lately is that I want 6 men to be able to carry my coffin when I die and right now, I know that would not be the case. 

If you are reading this and you want to help here is a list of things that help. Leave me comments here. Encouragement is always welcome, but please make sure that it is indeed encouragement. Please don't make all of our offline interactions about my weight. I appreciate that you want to cheer me along, but so often I have felt like my life has revolved around my weight, I do not want to feel like our relationship is dependent upon my weight loss success. And because I know that will be the next question - No, you haven't intentionally (at least I hope not) made me feel like my size equaled my worthiness of love, but it is strange the things your mind will sometimes tell you.