This blog is going to be TMI. You have been warned so if you wish to spare yourself, read no further.
About 2 months ago I started having really bad abdominal cramping. It felt like it was around my ovaries. It got to the point that it would take my breath away so I went to see a Gynecologist. He is my best friend's doctor. When I got into see him, he did an exam and said everything "looked good." He wanted to send me for an ultrasound though. His tech wasn't in that day, so I was scheduled. I had to end up rescheduling, though. I had my ultrasound about two weeks ago. I have PCOS so my uterine lining was thicker than they wanted it to be. The tech also found a polyp. The doctor scheduled me for a D&C and a Polypectomy. I had that done on Thursday, July 30th.
The morning of my surgery, I went in and did all of the normal pre-op stuff. I was pretty freaked out. It took two tries to get my IV started. Five days later, both of my hands are still sore. Surgery went well, but the doctor found a second polyp. He told my husband that both of the polyps looked good so he didn't expect cancer out of either of them. He was worried about this prior to surgery, though.
Healing from surgery has been interesting. I still have some tenderness from the surgery. I am extremely tired, but having CFS that is to be expected, I guess. What wasn't expected was that I woke up from surgery with the underside of my left arm completely numb. It stared out in a small spot, but as the day went on, it worked it's way almost completely up my arm. I feel everything on my outer arm, but I don't feel anything on the underside. Most people experience the sleep/pins and needles feeling when they are numb. I feel nothing. I can touch/pinch my arm, but feel nothing.
Friday, I went in for my routine lab work to be done. I talked to him about my arm. He said he wanted to wait until today to make sure it didn't go away. Now, he's scheduling me for an EMG/nerve study. Yeah, that sounds like fun! All of my labs were normal. My A1C has dropped 1.9 points to 6.4. I am pretty proud of myself Yay!!